past services
live steam
Check out our previous services in case you missed one or want more of God's word.
We live stream every week on Sunday morning starting at 10:30 am.
bible study
We have a weekly bible study that gets uploaded every Thursday morning. Follow along as we explore themes from the Word.
We have a video series that gets uploaded every Monday morning. Take a look at how we can apply God's Word to our daily lives.
If you want the audio from past or current services you can download the mp3 files here.
For our online service goers we provide the weekly bulletin online as a PDF. Please download the file so you can follow along with the service.
We strive for our church to be warm and loving. It is our desire for all who enter our doors to feel comfortable and free to call upon us for needs they may have. Our belief is that God has redeemed us and filled us with His Spirit so we may be strategically deployed into a hungry world to bring the presence of Jesus into the very heart of society. When God chose to reveal Himself to our world, He didn't send an angel with a message or a program or preferred institutional structure. He sent Jesus! The Word He had for us was Jesus, not to be read and put aside, but experienced. A message in flesh and blood - God walking off the page, walking out of religious trappings and walking into the lives of people. It is our prayer, that we as a local church can do that as we share Jesus in many areas of ministry.

Sundays -
9:00 - Sunday School
10:30 - Morning Worship
Wednesdays -
6:30 - Youth Group
6:30 - Children's program
6:30 - Adult Bible Study